
Шрифт Consolas

. Гарнитура шрифта "Consolas" содержит 4 начертание (Bold Italic, Regular, Bold, Italic).

Consolas Bold Italic:

Пример написания шрифтом Bold Italic текста на английском

Consolas Regular:

Пример написания шрифтом Regular текста на английском

Consolas Bold:

Пример написания шрифтом Bold текста на английском

Consolas Italic:

Пример написания шрифтом Italic текста на английском

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на английском:

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на английском

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на русском:

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на русском

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на французском:

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на французском

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на испанском:

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на испанском

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на украинском:

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на украинском

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на белорусском:

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic текста на белорусском

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic русского алфавита:

Пример написания русского алфавита шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic английского алфавита:

Пример написания английского алфавита шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic

Пример написания шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic цифр:

Пример написания цифр шрифтом Consolas Bold Italic

Дополнительная информация о шрифте Consolas Bold Italic

Семейство шрифтов Consolas
Подсемейство Bold Italic
Полное наименование Consolas Bold Italic
Версия Version 5.22
PostScript название Consolas-BoldItalic
weight 700
Торговая марка Consolas is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Издатель Microsoft Corporation
Издатель URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfonts
Дизайнер Luc(as) de Groot
Дизайнер URL http://fontfabrik.com
Описание Consolas is aimed for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a monospaced font is specified. All characters have the same width, like old typewriters, making it a good choice for personal and business correspondance. The improved Windows font display allowed a design with proportions closer to normal text than traditional monospaced fonts like Courier. This allows for more comfortably reading of extended text on screen. OpenType features include hanging or lining numerals; slashed, dotted and normal zeros; and alternative shapes for a number of lowercase letters. The look of text can be tuned to personal taste by varying the number of bars and waves.
Лицензия You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.
Лицензия URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/default.aspx

Дополнительная информация о шрифте Consolas

Семейство шрифтов Consolas
Подсемейство Regular
Полное наименование Consolas
Версия Version 5.22
PostScript название Consolas
weight 400
Торговая марка Consolas is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Издатель Microsoft Corporation
Издатель URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfonts
Дизайнер Luc(as) de Groot
Дизайнер URL http://fontfabrik.com
Описание Consolas is aimed for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a monospaced font is specified. All characters have the same width, like old typewriters, making it a good choice for personal and business correspondance. The improved Windows font display allowed a design with proportions closer to normal text than traditional monospaced fonts like Courier. This allows for more comfortably reading of extended text on screen. OpenType features include hanging or lining numerals; slashed, dotted and normal zeros; and alternative shapes for a number of lowercase letters. The look of text can be tuned to personal taste by varying the number of bars and waves.
Лицензия You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.
Лицензия URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/default.aspx

Дополнительная информация о шрифте Consolas Bold

Семейство шрифтов Consolas
Подсемейство Bold
Полное наименование Consolas Bold
Версия Version 5.22
PostScript название Consolas-Bold
weight 700
Торговая марка Consolas is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Издатель Microsoft Corporation
Издатель URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfonts
Дизайнер Luc(as) de Groot
Дизайнер URL http://fontfabrik.com
Описание Consolas is aimed for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a monospaced font is specified. All characters have the same width, like old typewriters, making it a good choice for personal and business correspondance. The improved Windows font display allowed a design with proportions closer to normal text than traditional monospaced fonts like Courier. This allows for more comfortably reading of extended text on screen. OpenType features include hanging or lining numerals; slashed, dotted and normal zeros; and alternative shapes for a number of lowercase letters. The look of text can be tuned to personal taste by varying the number of bars and waves.
Лицензия You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.
Лицензия URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/default.aspx

Дополнительная информация о шрифте Consolas Italic

Семейство шрифтов Consolas
Подсемейство Italic
Полное наименование Consolas Italic
Версия Version 5.22
PostScript название Consolas-Italic
weight 400
Торговая марка Consolas is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Издатель Microsoft Corporation
Издатель URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/ctfonts
Дизайнер Luc(as) de Groot
Дизайнер URL http://fontfabrik.com
Описание Consolas is aimed for use in programming environments and other circumstances where a monospaced font is specified. All characters have the same width, like old typewriters, making it a good choice for personal and business correspondance. The improved Windows font display allowed a design with proportions closer to normal text than traditional monospaced fonts like Courier. This allows for more comfortably reading of extended text on screen. OpenType features include hanging or lining numerals; slashed, dotted and normal zeros; and alternative shapes for a number of lowercase letters. The look of text can be tuned to personal taste by varying the number of bars and waves.
Лицензия You may use this font as permitted by the EULA for the product in which this font is included to display and print content. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content.
Лицензия URL http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fonts/default.aspx

Рейтинг шрифта , количество проголосовавших: пользователей

Шрифт опубликован пользователем ""